In the process of developing the Radio Data MW program (the program that creates those neat HTML mediumwave pattern maps available at the upper right), I needed some way to convert values back and forth to check accuracy of calculations. Conversions like watts to dBw, mV/m to dBu, microvolts to dBm, etc. I came up with a little calculator "app" that satisfied the need, and called it Radio Calculator. I present it here for your download and use.
Questions about how dB relates to ratio of values (both watts and voltage), passive loop antenna output, wavelength, radio horizon, field strength, and even sine and cosine tables are all covered in a simple to use format.
The program is written in the old standby Visual Basic. It's been tested on Windows 7 through Windows 10.
Install is simple. Download the file from the link at the upper right of this page, unzip, and run the RadioCalculator.exe file. The file is small at 22 KB. There are no special requirements.
I hope you enjoy it and can make use of it.
Some screenshots:
Decibels and Ratio Conversions |
Field Strength Conversions |
Voltage and Power Conversions |
Passive Loop and Antenna Factor Calculations |
Wavelength Information |
Various Tables, Including Sine and Cosine |
Hi, thanks for providing the mapping program. When I open a frequency I receive an error,
"This page can't load Google Maps correctly." I click OK and the map shows the stations and patterns. Just wondering if I am missing something. Thanks, John
Hi John,
Have not seen that error before, although it might have something to do with the Google license. That set of maps used the old Google licensing system, which is no more. The next set of maps will use the new system.
I'll be producing a new set of maps, hopefully soon. There's a lot of work involved, and currently I've got the program torn apart making changes. I'm revamping the entire skywave calculation system as well.
Pls let me know. I find this very useful tool . I get the same error message . Thanks
Hi Chet,
I assume you are referring to the pattern map set and not the newest v2 2018 ground conductivity map. The main map set is being updated and will be available right after the first of the year.
Thanks for your interest!
Hi Bill,
Really looking forward to the new pattern map set! It's a great tool and the google license change has really caused problems with using the 2016 version.
All the best.
Hi Kilo Watt,
Thanks for your comments. I'm working on the 2019 maps as we speak. I should have them out in the next few days.
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