
Monday, August 19, 2024

Updated Portable Greyline Map v1.9.1 2024

The Portable Greyline Map has been updated to version 1.9.1 2024.

Look for the download at the upper right of this page.

Knowing where there is daylight and darkness over the earth at any given time is somewhat of a necessity when DXing shortwave or mediumwave. There are online maps, sure. But what if you had your own personal daylight/darkness map you could save to your computer and click on any time you wish?

The Daylight/Darkness Greyline Reference Map is produced by my Radio Data MW program.

Included is a GoogleMap-based, HTML-driven map which shows the current daylight/darkness state over the earth. Being a Google-based map, it is zoomable and scrollable. You may choose map view or satellite view. If desired, a home location may set by scrolling the map and clicking "<<Set Home". This will allow you to return to the same reference point as long as the current map page remains open. Depending on your browser, latitude and longitude may be saved across map restarts.

Draw tracks, check distances and bearings to points, all displayed in the marker tooltip

You must have an internet connection to view the map.

The file download is at the upper right of this page. It's a small 19 KB. For more details on usage, be sure to read the greyline_readme.txt file contained in the download.

Portable Greyline Map v1.9.1 2024

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