April 8, 1920
"To all whom it may concern:"
"Be it known that I, HAROLD. H. BEVERAGE, a citizen of the United States, residing at Schenectady, in the county of Schenectady, State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Radio Receiving Systems, of which the following is a specification.
My present invention relates to radio receiving systems and more particularly to an improved arrangement of an antenna for receiving purposes.
The object of my invention is to provide a receiving antenna which will have highly directive properties, which will be very efficient in its operation and which will also be highly selective.
In carrying my invention into effect I make use of a horizontal preferably aperiodic antenna extending in a direction parallel to the direction of transmission of the signals to be received.
This antenna is constructed with distributed capacity inductance and resistance of Such values that the currents produced therein by the desired signals increase progressively from the end of the antenna nearest the transmitting station be coming in the preferred case, the maximum at the end farthest from the transmitting station."
Thus starts the patent application of one Harold H. Beverage for his famous "Beverage" antenna. Filed with the U.S. Patent Office, April 8, 1920. Approved June 7, 1921. Patent #1381089. Just imagine, radio was in its infancy in 1920 and along comes this marvelous antenna, the Beverage.
The Beverage antenna, patented by Harold H. Beverage, is a type of longwire antenna used for radio communication, specifically receiving. It is named after its inventor and is known for its simplicity and effectiveness in receiving weak signals. The antenna consists of a single wire, usually several wavelengths long, which is suspended a short distance above the ground.
The Beverage antenna is typically oriented in a specific direction to optimize its reception capabilities. It is commonly used for receiving high-frequency signals, such as those in the shortwave and mediumwave bands. The long length of the wire allows for enhanced directivity and low-angle radiation, which makes it particularly suitable for long-distance communications.
One of the main advantages of the Beverage antenna is its ability to reduce noise and interference from unwanted directions. By carefully selecting the orientation and placement of the wire, it is possible to maximize signal reception from the desired direction while minimizing signals coming from other directions. This makes the Beverage antenna valuable for receiving weak or distant signals in environments with high levels of electromagnetic interference.
Harold H. Beverage patented the design of this antenna in the year 1920-21, and it has been widely used by radio enthusiasts, amateur radio operators, and professionals ever since. The Beverage antenna remains a popular choice for those seeking long-range reception and reliable signal quality. Just below, have a look at the original H.H. Beverage patent filing. It makes for interesting reading.
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Hey, I follow your Radio Wave patterns maps, and would like to inform you that Bell Inc., just took 6 stations offline in Canada. The two I know about are 1040 CKST Vancouver, and 1060 CKMX Calgary. Just thought I let you know so that you can adjust your maps. The other stations shutdown are 1410 CFTE in Vancouver, 1290 CFRW Winnipeg, 1260 CFRN Edmonton, and 1290 CJBK London, ON.
Thank you for commenting. I've been following this story a little too. The next set of maps, which will probably be out in the fall, will have the changes. The Industry Canada governmental database will certainly have the updates. Thanks.
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